This page provides details of presentations and other programming. For more information about presenters, please visit the Speakers page.
Final Programme
The online version of the Conference Programme is now available to view below via the Issuu viewing platform. Alternatively, download a PDF version. The Conference Programme can also be viewed on the Issuu website (requires a web browser). An Issuu app is available for Android users.
The Conference Programme contains access information, session information and a detailed day-to-day presentation schedule.
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Conference Outline
All times are Western European Summer Time (GMT+1)
12:45-13:30: Conference Registration | Room 100e
13:30-13:45: Announcements & Welcome Address | Room 101 & Online
Joseph Haldane, IAFOR, Japan
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto, Portugal
13:45-14:30: Keynote Presentation | Room 101 & Online
Beyond a Dialogue between the Sciences and the Arts in Times of Uncertainty
Manuel Heitor, Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IN+/IST – University of Lisbon; former Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Government of Portugal
14:15-14:30: Q & A
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto, Portugal (Moderator)
14:30-15:00: Keynote Presentation | Room 101 & Online
Design and Technology in Online Spaces: Health, Work, Education and the Future
Michael Menchaca, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, United States
15:00-15:15: Keynote Session Q & A
Anne Boddington, Kingston University, United Kingdom (Moderator)
15:15-16:00: Coffee Break & Poster Session | Room 100e
63681 | Application of Augmented Reality to Haptic Analog: The Challenges of Modern Three-dimensional Technology Serigraphic Imaging
63367 | Multisensory Approaches From Interactive Art to Inclusive Design
16:00-17:00: Featured Panel Discussion | Room 101 & Online
Research Integrity: Replicability and Reproducibility in Art & Design Research
Anne Boddington, Kingston University, United Kingdom (Respondent)
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto, Portugal (Respondent)
Susana Barreto, University of Porto, Portugal (Moderator)
17:00-17:15: Conference Photograph | Room 101
17:15-17:45: Port Wine Tasting | Room 100e
18:30-19:30: Conference Welcome Reception | Porto city centre
09:30-10:00: Keynote Presentation | Room 101 & Online
How a Local Knowledge Network can Impact the Generation of Economic and Social Value within the Community
Clara Gonçalves, Inductiva Research Labs, Portugal
10:00-10:30: Keynote Presentation | Room 101 & Online
Viability and Sustainability of Creative Practices, Crafts and Traditional Industry Sectors
Lynn Sayers-McHattie, Glasgow School of Art, United Kingdom
10:30-10:40: Keynote Sessions Q & A
Anne Boddington, Kingston University, United Kingdom (Moderator)
10:40-11:00: Coffee Break | Room 100e
11:00-12:15: Onsite Parallel Session 1
Room 111: Learning Practices in Art & Design Education
64228 | Exploring the Hybridization of Traditional Printing and Digital Fabrication Processes to Expand Design Innovation in the Classroom
64343 | Impact of Students’ Engagement in Innovative Projects to Enrich University Campus: Developing Competencies and Attributes towards Study and Career Success
63202 | Thinking with Design: On Developing an Agile Professional Mindset
Room 113: Design for Society
64400 | Design Research as an Instrument of Empathy and Resilience: A Case Study in Porto on Reclusion in a Collective House
63305 | Generative Design: Co-creation Process Between the Designer and Computational Thinking
64038 | Contributions of Design in the Creation of Cognitive Stimulation Artefacts for Portuguese People With Dementia
Room 115: Archiving & Preservation of Design and Data
64407 | Visual Digital Archives – Information Design for Content
64396 | Visual Explorations of Objective Data: The Meaning of Unexpected Results
63560 | Rising Up: Student Learning in the Post-pandemic Era
12:15-12:30: Coffee Break | Room 100e
12:30-13:20: Onsite Parallel Session 2
Room 111: Teaching and Learning the Arts (Workshop)
62717 | “Pet the Lizard”- Calming our Brain in Performance, Teaching and Life
Room 113: Teaching and Learning the Arts (Workshop)
62550 | Art Museum Docents: An Integral Part of Art Education
Room 115: Culture & Heritage
64364 | Shapes of Portuguese Heritage and Visual Culture
64414 | Designing Meaningful Experiences With the Power of Bearers and Mediators of Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Safeguarding Approach With Digital Technology
13:20-14:20: Lunch Break | Room 100e
14:20-15:10: Onsite Parallel Session 3
Room 111: Design and New Media
63306 | Goffman’s Dramaturgy and the Character Attachment Phenomenon: Identity Conceptions Through Fashion in the Virtual and Offline Realities
63359 | The Role of Advanced Typographic Taxonomy Systems vis-à-vis Modular, Variable and Parametric Typography
Room 113: Promoting Cultural Heritage in Art and Design (Workshop)
63973 | The Artistic Learning Experience Is Enhanced Through Music
Room 115: Visual Arts Practices
62581 | The Effectiveness of Integrating Metal and Textile to Creating Contemporary Artworks Inspired by Egyptian and Saudi Heritage
63225 | Eco – Handmade Solid Brick In Contemporary Sculpture
15:10-15:25: Coffee Break | Room 100e
15:25-16:40: Onsite Parallel Session 4
Room 111: Learning Practices in Art & Design Education
63516 | Design as a Facilitator to Changing Mindsets for Craftmanship Enterprises’ Resilience
64344 | Utilization of Science Fiction Drama in Higher Education: An Innovative Pedagogy for Brain Warm-up, Inspire Futuristic Views, and Foster Creativity
63326 | Digital Media and Sustainable Development Goals Breathe New Life Into the Artworks From the Soares Dos Reis National Museum
Room 113: Art and Design
64090 | Can Maps and Map Symbols Help Teaching Sustainable Development?
64215 | Design Education for Sustainability and New Social Changes
63362 | Ico-cymatic Backstage Design Process: Applying Vernacular Techniques and New Media Into Ephemeral Spaces for Art Installation in South America
Room 115: Culture & Heritage /Interdisciplinary Local Art & Design History
64415 | Curiosity as a Bridge for Free Choice Learning: Museum Experiences Designed Using Projection Mapping Technology at Cunyaya, Interpretation Center
64154 | Lettering Design in Raul Lino’s Work: Humanism, Nature and Tradition in Architecture, Graphic Arts and Design
63274 | Invisible Resilience: Interiority of Body and Architecture
16:40-16:50: Break
16:50-17:40: Onsite Parallel Session 5
Room 111: Interdisciplinary Art & Design Projects (Workshop)
63355 | Sonic Kinesthetic Forest: Listening to and Dancing With Trees
Room 113: Academic Practices Outside the Classroom (Workshop)
64253 | Nature/Form/Process: A Workshop as a Tool to Test Intended Changes to the Course – Biomaterials: Designing With Living Systems
09:30-10:00: Keynote Presentation | Room 101 & Online
Against the Method: Recovering the Senses in the Age of Hyperformatting
Mirian Nogueira Tavares, University of the Algarve, Portugal
10:00-10:30: Keynote Presentation | Room 101 & Online
Experiential Knowledge + Science + Art = Creative Ethnographic Drawing
Susana de Noronha, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal
10:30-10:40: Keynote Sessions Q & A
Cláudia Raquel Lima & Eliana Penedos-Santiago (Moderators)
10:40-11:00: Coffee Break | Room 100e
11:00-12:40: Onsite Parallel Session 1
Room 111: Interdisciplinary Art & Design Projects
63885 | Conceptualising, Designing and Implementing a Scented Adventure Trail for Kindergarten Children
63242 | Itinerant Spherical, Flat and Concave Surfaces: Disseminating Human Echolocation in Public Spaces
64411 | Reference Framework for Tacit Knowledge in Craft-based Manufacturing Processes, for Updating Their Practices With Digital Interventions. A Systematic Review
63646 | STEM to STEAM – The Effects of Incorporating the Arts into STEM Education
Room 113: Strategies for Promoting Creative Thinking
64397 | Creative Strategies for the Communication of Science in a Context of Digital Hegemony: Experiencing Hands-on Visual Arts Techniques
63269 | Material Design and Audio-visual Narratives for Pedagogy: Theoretical Premises and Evaluation Tools for Experimenting Stop-motion Animation as Teaching Method
64367 | Systematic Thinking
63097 | The Role of the Brief in Individual Versus Collaborative Design Ideation
Room 115: Research Methods in Art and Design
63283 | Human-centered Design as a Qualitative Research Methodology in the Area of Public Health
64032 | Photographic Mnemotopes: Phototextual Reports as a Research Tool for the Communication of the Memory of Places
64395 | The Cognitive Effect of Spatial Contiguity in Procedural Training Using Mixed Reality
63358 | Architectural Precedent Study: Innovative Methods Education and its Implication for Ethical Practice
12:40-13:40: Lunch Break | Room 100e
13:40-14:30: Onsite Parallel Session 2
Room 111: Design & Local Industries
64389 | Design by Extension – Potentiating University-industry Collaborations Through Active Learning
64390 | Sustainability, Aesthetics, and Value Proposals and Practices of Colombian Slow Fashion Brands
Room 113: Interdisciplinary Arts & Education
63757 | Tragedy to Triumph: Utilizing a Graphic Novel and Instructional Design to Sustain the Culture, Heritage and Resilience of a Community
63741 | Teaching about European Heritage – The Case of Polish European Heritage Label
Room 115: Strategies for Promoting Cultural Sustainability
64401 | Design for Innovation With Tradition: Towards a ‘New’ Cycle of Linen-making
64312 | Study Abroad Programs as Means to Connect Culture, Art, and Design
14:30-14:35: Short Break
14:35-15:25: Onsite Parallel Session 3
Room 111: Design for Society
64416 | Multidisciplinary Relations in the Collaborative Work Practices to the Service Design Process
63689 | Design for Healthcare Facilities Management: A Way Finding Project for the Braga Central Hospital’s External Care Unit
Room 113: Interdisciplinary Arts & Education
63768 | Teaching Without Student Feedback: The Lack of Nonverbal Communication in Online Design Education
62678 | Investigating Reciprocal Relationships in Performing Arts and Learning Processes
Room 115: Academic Practices Outside the Classroom
64362 | Design for Dasein: A Pedagogical Framework – The Case of PROJECT@X
63515 | Doctoral Side Effects: Damage Limitation Versus Unexpected Benefits to PhD Research in a Pandemic
15:25-15:40: Coffee Break | Room 100e
15:40-16:10: Keynote Presentation | Room 101 & Online
The Attention Economy
Jon Wozencroft, Touch, United Kingdom
16:10-16:25: Keynote Session Q & A
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto, Portugal (Moderator)
16:25-16:40: Onsite Closing Session
Joseph Haldane, IAFOR, Japan
10:00-10:50: Online Parallel Session 1
Room A: Strategies for Promoting Creative Thinking
63334 | Influence of ‘Artefact’, ‘Activity’ and ‘Design Value’ based Need Statements on Solution Outcomes
63644 | Participatory Group Textile Practice as a Route to Support Mental Health and Social Interaction in Secondary School Pupils
Room B: Academic Practices Outside the Classroom
64417 | Artistic Spaces as a Web Connected With the Community: Coo195 and Entre as Case Studies
64369 | Typography Education as a Tool to Potentiate Art Nouveau Museums
10:50-11:00: Break
11:00-12:15: Online Parallel Session 2
Room A: Learning Practices in Art & Design Education
64210 | Educator Attitudes and Parent Concern Throughout Online Courses
63244 | Baroque of the East and West: Sowing the Seeds for Intersections in Teaching and Learning of Art, Design and Music
63363 | Didáctica Cocreativa In Situ
Room B: Interdisciplinary Arts & Design for Society
64371 | Designing an Adrenaline Auto-Injector: The Perception of Shape as an Affordance of Use
63078 | The Role of Design: A Humanitarian Approach and an Opportunity to Prepare Students for the Real Working World
62469 | Art as an Ideology Can Facilitate People’s Understanding of Climate Change and Help People Explore a Speculative Future
12:15-12:25: Break
12:25-14:05: Online Parallel Session 3
Room A: Culture & Heritage
62743 | Best Practices for Teaching a Course on Culture for EFL Undergraduate Students in Japan and Abroad: Based on Literature Review
63983 | Usability SMARTV3 Learning Management System Towards Art & Design Courses
63696 | The Design Studio as a Place of Study: Critique as Hermeneutic Conversation
63351 | Myriorama: Obsolete Technologies for a Contemporary Scenographic Practice and Thought
Room B: Interdisciplinary Arts & Design (until 14:30)
64394 | The Relationship Between Concept and Medium in Site-specific Art
64383 | Homeostatic Designs: How the Theories of Antonio Damasio Can Inform Design Thinking
64413 | A Biometric Method for Spatial Experience Analysis: A Case Study of Airport Design and Traveler Stress
63353 | The Competitive Transformation of Business Based on Agile Innovation Methods That Engage Visual Creatives as Business Process Leaders
63336 | Teaching the SDGs: Content-based Research and Virtual International Exchange via Multimedia
14:05-14:15: Break
14:15-15:30: Online Parallel Session 4
Room A: Learning Practices in Art & Design Education
64258 | The Development of an Internet-based Environmental Prenatal Health Program Using Art
64366 | Tell Me Your Story: Digital Storytelling as a Teaching and Communication Tool
63133 | Using Comics for Teaching Math to ESL Students
15:30-15:45: Online Closing Session
Joseph Haldane, IAFOR, Japan
63356 | Profiling the Instructional Designer: Towards a Systematisation of the Profession
63343 | Mechanical 2021: Educational Game Concept to Promote Sustainable Thinking and Cooperation in Brazilian Basic Education
64758 | The Effectiveness of Academic Literacy Courses in Postsecondary Institutions in Ontario: The Development of an Evaluation Tool
63649 | Cultural Sustainability: Diversified Education and Innovative Design Application of Yao Ethnic Festival Costume Cultural Inheritance
64084 | Achievement of Program Outcomes in Between Dance Students of Creative Art Program During a Pandemic and Endemic of COVID -19
63337 | Digital Transformation in Art Education for Pre-service and In-service Primary School Teachers: Potential and Challenges
64224 | Screen View of the World – The Study of the Dissemination of Media Façade Image Information in Space
63238 | Intercultural Attitudes, Preferences for World Music and Artworks From Different Cultures in the Context of Contemporary Music Pedagogy and Art Pedagogy
63727 | Symbolism of Selected Wax Prints in West Africa
63874 | The Study of the Visual Effects of Depth Creations and Perspectives in New Egyptian Archeological Discoveries
63272 | Designers in a Diverse Society of Change: Cultivation and Responsibilities
63319 | Collaborative Strategy for the Construction and Graphic Representation of a Cultural Ecosystem Involving Participatory Design
63521 | Using Design to Connect Children Through Playful Discovery
63466 | Drawing and Ideation Process at Design Education: A Systematic Literature Review
64368 | Creative Strategies for Making Technology-based Decisions in Education
64392 | Discussion on Teaching Design of Integrated Course of Picture Books in Primary School Based on Case Study
64352 | Effects of Social Media Features on Music Teaching and Learning During the Movement Control Order (MCO) Period
64227 | Black Life Matters: Did It Change Our Perception of Art?
63269 | Material Design and Audio-visual Narratives for Pedagogy: Theoretical Premises and Evaluation Tools for Experimenting Stop-motion Animation as Teaching Method
The draft version of the Conference Programme will be available online on June 06, 2022. All registered delegates will be notified of this publication by email.
*Please be aware that the above schedule may be subject to change.
Featured Presentations
Research Integrity: Replicability and Reproducibility in Art & Design ResearchFeatured Panel Discussion: Heitor Alvelos, Susana Barreto & Anne Boddington
How a Local Knowledge Network Can Impact the Generation of Economic and Social Value Within the CommunityKeynote Presentation: Clara Gonçalves
Viability and Sustainability of Creative Practices, Crafts and Traditional Industry SectorsKeynote Presentation: Lynn-Sayers McHattie
The Attention EconomyKeynote Presentation: Jon Wozencroft
Experiential Knowledge + Science + Art = Creative Ethnographic DrawingKeynote Presentation: Susana de Noronha
Against the Method: Recovering the Senses in the Age of HyperformattingKeynote Presentation: Mirian Nogueira Tavares
Beyond a Dialogue between the Sciences and the Arts in Times of UncertaintyKeynote Presentation: Manuel Heitor
Design and Technology in Online Spaces: Health, Work, Education and the FutureKeynote Presentation: Michael Menchaca
Conference Programme
The draft version of the Conference Programme will be available online on June 06, 2022. All registered delegates will be notified of this publication by email.
*Please be aware that the above schedule may be subject to change.